Riverside Primary Academy | Year 4B talk friendship and anti-bullying…

Year 4B talk friendship and anti-bullying…

23 Nov Year 4B talk friendship and anti-bullying…

Last week, we talked about how to be a good friend and what bullying is.

We talked about being a good friend and these are some of the qualities we decided were needed: loyalty, trustworthy, being respectful, honesty, having manners, kindness, being helpful and being able to co-operate. To quote some members of the class, ‘Teamwork makes the dream work.’

After discussing what makes a good friend, we talked about what bullying is. We learned that bullying is intentional and happens over a long period of time. Many people are affected by bullying, not just the person being bullied.

If we see bullying happening, we allow it to continue when we ignore someone being hurt, if we laugh or if we join in. Therefore, we talked about how we could prevent bullying and the part we would play in preventing it.

“Always be kind.”

“Care for each other and take notice.”

“Help each other.”

Nobody deserves to be bullied!

We can be good friends by supporting each other and remembering that ‘everyone is beautiful in their own way’.

We also enjoyed playing on a game in which we had to help the characters that were sad after being bullied. This helped us to see how words can affect someone.

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