Riverside Primary Academy | Mrs Langley

Author: Mrs Langley

KS2 Topics

All the children in KS2 have started their new topics for this term: Year 3 are looking at Ancient Greece; Year 4 are learning all about Natural Disasters; Year 5 are focussing on Water; and Year 6 are investigating World War 2. We look forward...


Year 5 and 6 pupils are in for a treat this term as they are spending every Tuesday afternoon with some visitors from Skill-force.  Skill-force, which is an organisation supported by Prince William, provide exciting opportunities for children to improve their confidence, team-work and problem...

KS2 Cinema Night

KS2 had a brilliant time watching a funny, festive film - 'Home Alone' - at the cinema night this week. Thank you to everyone who came along! What was your favourite part of the film?...

Ancient Egypt Workshop

Year 6 had a brilliant afternoon on Tuesday when we were visited by 'That History Bloke' to learn more about Ancient Egypt. The children took turns at embalming and mummifying a body! Then they all tried writing their name in hieroglyphics using bamboo pens and...

Bike Safety Training

Well done to all of the Year 5 and 6 children who took part in the bike safety training this week. You all worked so hard and it was lovely to see so many of you bringing your bikes to school!...