Riverside Primary Academy | Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club at Riverside Primary Academy


Riverside Primary Academy offers a Breakfast Club for all children from Nursery to Year 6, running Monday to Friday from 7:30am to 9:00am.


Key Information:


  • Cost: £2.00 per child, per day
  • Breakfast provided: cereals, toast, bagels, and fruit (Bagels are supplied as part of the National School Breakfast Programme)
  • Fun, structured activities follow breakfast


To book a place, please log in to your PlusPay account and select the relevant day or week from the “School Clubs” menu. Bookings must be made in advance; payment is required through PlusPay to confirm your booking.


Booking Deadlines:


  • Bookings for Breakfast Club must be made by the Friday before the week you require.
  • Termly bookings are available.


For assistance with PlusPay or any queries about Breakfast Club, please contact the school office.


For a guide on how to install the MyEd app and register for PlusPay, click here.






Costs for wrap around care are reviewed by our school governors on a regular basis.


Childcare Vouchers


We accept payments for wrap-around childcare by employer salary sacrifice schemes. All we need to set this up is the name of your employer’s scheme and the scheme reference number. For more information please click here.