Riverside Primary Academy | Miss Charlton

Author: Miss Charlton

Year 2 Graduation !

We would like to thank all those who attended Year 2's graduation today, we hope you enjoyed it. We are so proud of how much the children have achieved in Key Stage 1 and know they will continue to shine next year. Well done year 2, you...

Easter Egg Competition!

Wow! We have had some fantastic egg entries this year. Well done to all those who took part, it was near impossible to judge. Happy Easter everyone, enjoy the holidays!   ...

Key Stage One’s Police Visit!

Yesterday Key stage one had a very special visitor. PC Stephen came in to talk to us all about the role of a police officer within the community and share some of his experiences. He was super friendly and approachable, Stephen encouraged use all to smile,...

Red Nose Day !

Thank you for all of the kind donations last week for Red Nose Day, we raised a massive £425.35 for an amazing cause! There were 8 winners from our 'design a nose competition' across the school.  Well done to all those who entered, it was a...

Chicks Arrive in KS1

Key Stage 1 have some gorgeous little arrivals this week. So far we have ten little hatchlings in year 1, nine in year 1/2 and ten in year 2! How lucky are we? No doubt you'll hear all about them over the next few weeks. Check...

Key Stage 1 Trip!

Key stage 1 have had a fabulous week visiting the Discovery Museum. They have enjoyed learning all about 'The Great Fire of Gateshead and Newcastle'. We are all so proud of how well they behaved out side of school, well done Key Stage 1 ! ...

Year 3 and Year 4 Christmas Party

Year 3 and Year 4 had fantastic festive fun at our class party. Children enjoyed dancing, pass the parcel , musical statues and corners games, finishing off with some yummy party food! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the LKS2 team! ...

Key Stage 1 Christmas Party and Santa!

Key Stage 1 have had a very special visitor today! We've all been on our best behaviour this year so Santa dropped by with some exciting gifts. We enjoyed party games, dancing and lots of delicious food. What a lovey afternoon we've had! ...

Key Stage One Production!

Thank you to all Key Sage 1 parents who were able to come and watch our amazing production of 'A Magical Christmas Journey' on Friday. We're sure you'll agree, the children were incredible! We're all so proud of them. Merry Christmas from all Key Stage 1 staff. ...

Church Visit

This week Lower Key Stage 2 had a lovely afternoon trip to Dunston Methodist Church where we were warmly welcomed by Minister Brigitta with juice and biscuits. Whilst we were there we completed some fun activities which consolidated our work in the classroom. The children...