Riverside Primary Academy | Mrs Ritchie

Author: Mrs Ritchie

Eco- Cops Spread the Word!

The Eco- Cops have delivered an assembly today explaining the importance of looking after our planet. We are also launching 'Switch Off Fortnite' beginning today. In the next 2 weeks we are trying to save as much electricity as possible in school. Can you join in at...

Year 3 and 4 Homework Projects

Year 3 & 4 have enjoyed learning about the Stone Age this half term. It has been fantastic this week seeing the children present their fabulous homework projects to the rest of their classes. The effort has been outstanding!   ! ...

Eco Award Celebration!

Riverside Primary Academy are thrilled to announce that we have been awarded our first Green Flag by Eco Schools England this year . This special award recognises the work we have completed as a school to learn about environmental issues as part of our curriculum...

Praise Assembly

Every Friday we have Praise Assembly  to celebrate achievements in and out of school. Mittrha showed us her sporting medals today!...

Community Litter Pick with Year 5

Year 5 completed a litter survey and litter pick this afternoon  with Tracy who manages the Community Hub in the Metrocentre.  A big thank you to Tracy and her helpers for providing all the litter pickers, gloves and bags to complete this litter pick. The...

Community Litter Pick

All of the children in Year 3 and 4 have been out in the community litter picking today. Thank you  to all of the children for their help! ...

Robotics at Riverside!

Year 3 and Year 4 had some special visitors from the engineering department at Derwentside College this week. They came to share their expertise about engineering linked to electricity and robots. The children had a fantastic afternoon, taking part in three different sessions. They enjoyed building their...

Riverside to the Rescue!

This week , we had some special visitors to our school. Tracy Allison manages the Community Hub in the Metrocentre and is running a project about plastic pollution in rivers and seas. Our school has been chosen to help with this project and our Year...

Anglo-Saxon Fun at Jarrow Hall

Year 3 and 4 had a wonderful time at Jarrow Hall today learning about life during the Anglo-Saxon times.  We enjoyed a fantastic workshop about Crime and Punishment.  We looked at artefacts and handled swords, spears and shields.  Then we re-enacted a battle with these. ...