Riverside Primary Academy | Mrs Wall

Author: Mrs Wall

Riverside Football Team

Last night, our football team played at Ryton Federation in the County Cup tournament. Although we did not make it to the finals, they all played extremely well in all three games.  I was so impressed with their teamwork skills, resilience and support of each...

Sports Day 2024

First of all, the staff at Riverside would like to thank all of the family and friends that came to support the children from Reception up to Year 6 today. All of the children have had great fun competing against the house teams in their...

Year 3 & 4 Hindu Visitor

Yesterday Year 3 and 4 had a special visitor, Kirtida from Newcastle Hindu Temple. She came with lots of exciting Hindu artefacts and clothing for us to explore. We enjoyed finding out lots of interesting information about the Hindu religion, we listened to Kirtida sing,...

Harvest Festival 2023

Today Riverside Primary Academy celebrated the Harvest Festival in school. We held an assembly in which children from Years 3 to 6 read out prayers and thanks for the harvest. Every class sang a harvest song beautifully. Thank you very much for all of the donations....

Girls’ Football Team

The girls' team played very well last night. Although we did not win, we tried our very hardest and had lots of fun. Well done to all and thank you to those who came along to support! ...

Year 6 Football Team

Yesterday was the first league game that our recently created football team attended. Although we did not make it to the finals on Monday, the team played extremely well and should be very proud of themselves. The player of the match was the team captain, Riley....

Sports Day Results!

The whole school results for the house groups are: Fourth Place: Mars 151 points Third Place: Neptune 157 points Second Place: Jupiter 158 points First Place: Saturn 187 points Well done!...

Reception and KS1 Sports Day

Well done to everyone! Thank you to all of the parents, carers, family and friends that came to watch the children participate in many sport activities. It was lovely to see so many people supporting the children. Also a special thank you to the Sport...

KS2 Sports Day 2023

This morning, KS2 children all participated in sport activities. Well done to all! I would also like to say a huge thank you to all of the parents, carers, family and friends that came along to watch the children take part. Some even competed themselves. This is...