Riverside Primary Academy | Key Stage One

Key Stage One

Key Stage 1 visit Shildon Railway Museum Locomotion!

This week, Key stage 1 visited the fantastic railway museum, Locomotion, in Shildon! Children found out about the famous George Stephenson and the amazing contribution he made to the history of the railway! They enjoyed a workshop and looking at the trains to see how they had...

Riverside to the Rescue!

This week , we had some special visitors to our school. Tracy Allison manages the Community Hub in the Metrocentre and is running a project about plastic pollution in rivers and seas. Our school has been chosen to help with this project and our Year...

Sports Day 2024

First of all, the staff at Riverside would like to thank all of the family and friends that came to support the children from Reception up to Year 6 today. All of the children have had great fun competing against the house teams in their...

Earth Day 2024

A big thank you from Riverside! We had a great time celebrating Earth Day and raised £62 pound for The Sea Life Trust charity. Thank you for your kind donations. Mrs Ritchie and the Eco-Cops...

Waste Week 2024!

Well done to all the children who brought in used batteries last term.  The batteries collected by each class have been weighed by the Eco- Cops  and the results are finally in! Weighing a huge 11.5 kilograms, a huge well done to Year 4 who collected...

World Book Day!

Today, we celebrated world book day in school and dressed up as our favourite book or story characters, or in comfy clothes, for a day of reading and book related activities! We started the day with an assembly by Mrs Knott to talk about Reading and...

Chick measuring!

While KS1 are lucky enough to have the chicks with them, we have been weighing and measuring their height every day! The chicks have grown at a very rapid rate and our tallest chick is now 17cm! The heaviest chick is 100g or 21 cubes (Year...

Chicks Arrive in KS1

Key Stage 1 have some gorgeous little arrivals this week. So far we have ten little hatchlings in year 1, nine in year 1/2 and ten in year 2! How lucky are we? No doubt you'll hear all about them over the next few weeks. Check...

Eco-Cops Host Assembly

On Friday, our Eco-Cops presented an assembly to the whole school explaining the importance of looking after our world. They discussed ways to be more sustainable at school and what we could do at home too.  We agreed to try and use less electricity, recycle,...

Harvest Festival 2023

Today Riverside Primary Academy celebrated the Harvest Festival in school. We held an assembly in which children from Years 3 to 6 read out prayers and thanks for the harvest. Every class sang a harvest song beautifully. Thank you very much for all of the donations....