Riverside Primary Academy | Lunch time at Riverside on camera

Lunch time at Riverside on camera

21 Mar Lunch time at Riverside on camera


Our school meals provider, Dolce Ltd, have asked permission to use our school as the setting for their brand new promotional material.

Recordings and photography will take place during pre-order in the classrooms and at lunchtime this Thursday 23rd March 2017.


This is a great opportunity not only for the school, but also for the pupils who will be involved. Some children may be asked for their

thoughts on the Live Kitchen system and the lunch time experience overall. Consent forms are being sent home today with the children

and we ask if you can return them by home time on Wednesday at the very latest if you want your child to be included.


If any of our parents/carers would like to volunteer to give their perspective on the Live Kitchen system we would love to hear from you too.

You will need to be available for filming on Thursday. Anyone interested should contact the school office.


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