Riverside Primary Academy | School Books and Unclaimed Belongings

School Books and Unclaimed Belongings

06 Jul School Books and Unclaimed Belongings

Good morning.

Your child’s school workbooks will be available to collect from the Community Room door on the following dates between 9.30am and 12noon;

Year Group Collection Date


Thursday 9th July
Year 1 Friday 10th July
Year 2 Monday 13th July
Year 3 Tuesday 14th July
Year 4 Wednesday 15th July
Year 5 Thursday 16th July
Year 6 Friday 17th July


In addition, all lockers/pegs and trays have been emptied and any belongings that were left at school since the closure will also be available to collect on these dates. If you have children in different year groups you will be able to collect books and any items at the same time. If your child is currently in school, then they will bring their books home with them.

If you have any school reading books at home, we would appreciate if you could also return these to us on the above dates.

Please only arrive on your designated day and we politely request you wait patiently outside the Community Room door while adhering to social distancing guidelines.

Many thanks


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