Riverside Primary Academy | Mrs Knott

Author: Mrs Knott

Key Stage 1 celebrate Valentines day!

Key stage one have been very busy today creating Valentines masterpieces! They have been drawing valentines day pictures, making heart wreaths, love bugs and using the laptops to create Valentines day cards! ...

Mrs Goodfellow has an elf suprise!

What a shock for Mrs Goodfellow this morning when she came to school! The Key Stage 1 elves had wrapped up her office! They have been busy through the night wrapping up her chairs and table! How cheeky! They might now need to spend the day in...

Key Stage 1 Christmas party!

Key Stage 1 had a FANTASTIC Christmas party with a very special visitor! They enjoyed dancing, games, party food and a special sing along with SANTA! Only 8 more sleeps to go! ...

Key Stage 1 Christmas production! Lights, Camel, Action!

Key stage 1 put on two FANTASTIC performances today of LIGHTS, CAMEL, ACTION!! The children have work so hard to learn all of their lines, songs and dances and we could not be more proud of them! Thank you to the parents for all of your support...

Snow White and the Man in the Mirror visit Riverside!

This morning, we had a FANTASTIC assembly with some special visitors! The Man in the mirror and Snow White from Time Theatre School came to talk to the children this morning in assembly. They told jokes, laughed and danced with the children! The teachers loved dancing along...

Key Stage 1 visit Shildon Railway Museum Locomotion!

This week, Key stage 1 visited the fantastic railway museum, Locomotion, in Shildon! Children found out about the famous George Stephenson and the amazing contribution he made to the history of the railway! They enjoyed a workshop and looking at the trains to see how they had...

World Book Day!

Today, we celebrated world book day in school and dressed up as our favourite book or story characters, or in comfy clothes, for a day of reading and book related activities! We started the day with an assembly by Mrs Knott to talk about Reading and...

Chick measuring!

While KS1 are lucky enough to have the chicks with them, we have been weighing and measuring their height every day! The chicks have grown at a very rapid rate and our tallest chick is now 17cm! The heaviest chick is 100g or 21 cubes (Year...

Another beautiful butterfly has emerged in Year 1!

We were so excited when we arrived at school this morning to see another beautiful butterfly had emerged! We took it outside and put it onto the same plant as we had put the first butterfly and to our surprise the first butterfly was still there! We...